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How We Work


Of the thousands of childrens homes in the developing world, some are very well run, and some very poorly run. The former are run by very dedicated, loving people who are raising the children in a loving, caring family environment; educating them through college or university; and preparing them for successful productive lives. APCF is presently supporting eight such homes with others under consideration.


There are also very poorly run orphan and children homes in the developing world, which are no more than holding tanks to keep the children off the streets. At these homes, there is very little teaching, nurturing, love or compassion, and only minimal education with no plans for college/university.

In some orphans homes in the developing world, the children actually experience physical or sexual abuse, and there can also be misappropriation of funds by leaders.


APCF is only interested in finding and supporting (i.e., “partnering with”) orphans and childrens homes in the first category. Each home under evaluation or support will be visited regularly and continually evaluated in depth by APCF staff members (ie. Don & Molly McAlvany or other staff.)




  • A safe, loving, nurturing environment for children who have known much pain and wounding

  • The teaching of life principles

  • Education opportunities through university or vocational school

  • Education in English literacy (essential for future employment)

  • The basics: shelter, food, clothing, medical care.

  • A loving, family-type setting which can serve to “give back” the children’s “lost” childhoods.


Each home will be evaluated regarding their handling of finances, organization, integrity, personal interaction with the children, personal and spiritual maturity, educational plans for the children, and the atmosphere of the home.


Asian Pacific Children’s Fund
361 S. Camino Del Rio Suite 141
Durango, CO 81303


Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MST



Phone: +1 970-385-3252 

866-211-8987 (toll free)


Asian Pacific Childrens Fund’s mission is to find, evaluate, and “adopt” well run existing orphan and children homes in the developing world, especially Asia.

Our goal is to increase their visibility and help bring in funding from individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, churches and any other group with a heart for these children.


APCF is recognized by the IRS as having 501 (C) (3) status.


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